Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines
Lest We Fall

Sin does not happen overnight; it creeps in incrementally into our spiritual entrails through the little openings we leave unguarded. David’s twin-sins did not happen overnight. He let them in gradually, by compromising commitment to duty. When his armies were fighting battle, instead of being bravely present with them, he remained in his cosy palace. While his soldiers were dying, he was enjoying his afternoon siesta, followed by a leisurely walk. While his men would not even dream of spousal bed, David’s eyes were already committing adultery with a woman… No wonder his fall was so terrible! We may not and need not know the mysteries of the Kingdom and its growth within us—that is God’s work. But the least we can and must do is to keep the land fertile and well-guarded from inimical forces, so that the Kingdom can sprout and produce a good harvest.


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