Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines

Choice: Solomon vs Jesus

I am afraid Solomon chose poorly. David had chosen far more wisely: David had chosen love. In the end of it all, we see David standing justified and Solomon perishing in his wisdom. Wisdom can only take you so far: it is far too calculative, too cautious, too prudent. It plays safe, and wisely so! But it is love that leaps over the impossibles, with a madness of the heart that reason can never comprehend. Wisdom tells you that Jesus and his disciples should have rested after such a hard labor. Jesus himself knows that his disciples need some rest. They need to take good food, sleep for eight hours, do yoga, go for a health check-up every six months. After all, don’t they have long years of ministry ahead? But then Jesus sees the crowd. His heart takes over. Rest dismissed.


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