Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid

Living the Memory of the Future


God promises the impossible; Abraham believes. In that faith, God counts Abraham as the upright man. Paul pleads with tears not to become enemies of the cross, but be steadfast in the Lord. Jesus reveals himself in Transfiguration to the inner circle of disciples, revealing their destiny as well.


Christians are called to be people of Memory—Anamnesis. Not an ordinary human memory that is all about recalling past experiences; but a sacramental anamnesis, a memory of the future that is our destiny. It is the dark memory of events that are ‘already but not yet’. If Abraham lived his life in faith and was counted upright, it was because he lived in memory of the future that was already but not yet realized in his present. On Mount Tabor, the disciples were given an experience that would remain etched in them as an anamnesis of their destiny: In the Transfigured Christ, they glimpsed who they will be.



Pray today for a transfiguration from the wounding memories of the past to the anamnesis of our promised deification ahead.


Live today as someone already transfigured in Christ (=Having the Mind of Christ)


Second Sunday of Lent ( Cycle C )

 "This is my Son, my chosen one, listen to him".

This Sunday presents us with a luminous aspect of Lent. Jesus took Peter, John and James to the top of a mountain to pray. Prayer is everything in our life. Because it is full of spiritual energy. Christ wants to strengthen us with it, as he did with his apostles. 

Jesus has just announced his coming death to his disciples and made clear to them the serious consequences for those who follow him. The Father breaks the sky with his Word and commands the disciples who listen to him: Even if they do not understand anything, they must begin to be obedient. Because the one who obeys does not need to see Him as He is, as He is divine, because he already feels Him. 

The mystery of the Transfiguration "teaches us that no transfiguration is possible without the touch of grace. It is not man who conquers God on the holy mountain, but God who gives Himself to man in an intense atmosphere of prayer and love. Man himself, represented by the three disciples who accompany Jesus, plays rather a sad role; they are struggling with their dreams, their fears and their frivolous desires.

In the Transfiguration Jesus appears to the three disciples transfigured, luminous, beautiful, and then Moses and Elijah appear and converse with Him. His face was radiant and His clothes so white that Peter was illuminated. And the Father proclaims Jesus his favourite Son, saying: "Listen to him", we cannot forget to listen to Jesus. 

Lord, may we never cease to contemplate your face, and may our ears always be attentive to listen to your Word. 

( Psalm 26 ) The Lord is my light and my salvation. 



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