Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines

An Offer We Can’t Refuse

Borrowing the famous line from the movie Godfather, I must confess that, in today’s first reading, God makes us an offer we can’t refuse! He invites us to reason together with Him! But how can we, the wretched mortals, reason with God, the highest Good? Where do we begin, if at all we can? Mercifully, it is He who begins for us, that too, with a delightful promise of cancelling all our debts and making us clean as a whistle! His is an offer full of life; totally unlike the death-threat in Godfather!


What kind of dialog we invite others to—be it between nations at the United Nations or neighbors or religions? I am afraid ours is often Godfather-like: force-fitting the other into our terms and holding them to ransom. It should ideally be like that of God-the-Father: unilateral declaration of amnesty so that the other comes to the table with a joyous spring on their feet.


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