Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines

The Truth

We are closing in on the week of the Passion and across these days, John presents the conflict between Jesus and his opponents as escalating. That Jesus is from ‘above’ who does not fit into the schemes of ‘below’ is further intensified by the discourse on the Truth. Having learned the Truth from the Father, Jesus becomes the Truth that offers itself to the world to embrace so that the world would experience authentic freedom. But the world does not want the Truth. “What is Truth?” Pilate asks; and Jesus remains silent: If one cannot see, recognize, and claim the Truth that stands right in front in flesh and blood, what’s the point of more verbal noise? We do not want to do so and pull up veils over our eyes, because accepting the Truth would demand a conversion of hearts and change of ways. So we prefer to continue our lives of lies and partial truths, so convenient, yet so false!


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