Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines

Q & A with Jesus

We must really thank Philip for asking a seemingly foolish question, because his question led to some most profound insights into the intimacy between Jesus and his Father, an intimacy that is offered to us as well; and, as icing on the cake, a blanket promise from Jesus that anything that we ask, calling upon his name, he would do for us!  We have other instances in the Gospel as well, wherein the disciples ask some seemingly absurd things, only to receive some precious words or act of Jesus. Sample, for example, Thomas insisting on wanting to see Jesus’ wounds and put his hand on his side (cf. Jn 20:25); or, the disciples asking about whose sins were responsible for the man to be born blind (cf. Jn 9: 2); or, Peter asking if forgiving one’s brother seven times would be good enough (cf. Mt. 18:21). What would be the one (foolish) question you want to ask Jesus today?


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