Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines & Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid

Pondering Over

Isaiah prophesies about the virgin giving birth to Immanuel, God-with-us. In his very opening words to the Church in Rome, Paul affirms Christ as the fulfilment of all prophesies. The angel conveys the good news to Joseph, who acts accordingly.

Joseph and Mary have a lot in common and are definitely made for each other. This is especially so in their approach to the Mysteries of God. We find Mary treasuring all experiences in her heart and pondering over them (cf. Lk 2:19, 51). Joseph does the same: having found Mary pregnant, a mystery he cannot fathom, he ponders over it in his heart. Both Mary and Joseph do the same pondering when Simeon, holding the Promise-in-flesh in his hands, utters prophetic words about the baby (cf. Lk 2: 33). It is evident that they do not comprehend everything that is happening in their lives and around the baby (cf. Lk 2:50); but they savor every experience, opening themselves up to the mystery and trusting God to lead them along. And lead, God did.

“Lord, give me the grace to treasure your Mysteries and ponder over them.”

Pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary today, pondering over every mystery and what it means to you.


"God is with us

Mary and Joseph who were the first to welcome Jesus by faith,introduce us to the mystery of Christmas .Mary helps us to assume an attitude of openness to welcome the Son of God in our concrete life,in our flesh . Joseph encourages us to always seek God's will and to follow it with full trust. Both allow God to draw near to them: "Behold, the Virgin will conceive and bear a Son, and his name will be Immanuel", which means God with us" (Mt.1,23).

In the first reading we see King Ahaz, king of Judah, as an unbelieving man, who had no trust in the Lord. Jerusalem was besieged by the Assyrians. God warns the king and his people with these words: "If you do not trust in me, you will not stand. Also today the Lord offers us a sign, as he once offered it to King Ahaz. "Behold, the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel, which means "God with us" (Is 7,14). (Is.7,14).

Do we see this sign clearly in the world and can we be sure from our experience that God is with us? The problem is how we understand this presence. Because God is not there to free us from responsibilities and to turn us into permanent children, He is not there for our ambitions and greed, He is there to free us from problems and the cross, He protects us from suffering, but He protects us in suffering. But we do not find the pleasure of living by having as much fun as possible, but by avoiding evil and doing good. Believing in a very concrete form of reality, knowing that this world is in the good hands of God and that therefore everything will go well in life. St. Paul considers that he who believes clings to Jesus Christ, from whom we expect salvation and his coming. The Christian faith is based on the fact of the Incarnation of Jesus: God wanted to become man in him, he wanted to share the adventure of life with us. If we could dwell on the event of God becoming man, our hearts would be filled with joy, because God is with us. We have to look at God, not on the clouds, but at our side.

Prayer We want to be simple and clean like Joseph, Lord, and may our hearts never doubt that you will never cease to be at our side.

(Psalm 23) The Lord is coming in, he is the King of glory.



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