Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

Palm Sunday: "Beginning of Holy Week

Let us set out in faith for Holy Week, in which Jesus suffers, dies and rises again. I invite all people and families who cannot participate in the liturgical celebrations to gather at home to pray, also with the help of technological means, to embrace spiritually their families and those who care for them with such self-sacrifice, to pray for the deceased, in the light of Easter faith. Each one is present in our hearts, in our memories, in our prayers. 

Palm Sunday is seen as the gateway to Holy Week, helping us to contemplate, remember, deepen, and actualise the core of the mystery of our faith: the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus as an act of loving service and self-giving for us. Today we see him acclaimed, and in the following days persecuted, insulted, abandoned, executed and finally glorified.

In front of Jesus triumphant on a donkey, acclaimed by the people, the Jews ask themselves: Who is this man? Have we ever asked ourselves who Jesus is? If the answer is important for every man, it is even more important for the Christian, his follower, who has chosen to meet God by living his way of life and a way of living in the midst of the world, similar to Him. It was a question that Jesus himself asked his disciples: "Who do you men say that I am". The apostle Peter answered the Lord: "You are the Son of God" The celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ is the most beautiful story of salvation.      

For "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (Jn.15,13).

To personalise the mystery of Christ is an effective way of celebrating Holy Week; and to drink his chalice, that is to say, that Jesus enters into our life and prolongs his Passion and Resurrection in it, should lead us in turn to communion with the passion of those who suffer. To take communion is to enter progressively into the feelings of Christ and the sufferings of others. Let us celebrate the Paschal Mystery in community, because this is the proper way of Christian life. We should not go to God or to our brothers and sisters on our own. 

That is why we should not miss the liturgical celebrations, they are the engine of the community, we will remember the most painful and beautiful story ever known, but we should not only remember, it is better to relive it. It is better to relive their feelings, thoughts and attitudes. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, we want to accompany you at the entrance to Jerusalem, but we also want to accompany you with our daily cross to Calvary, so that we can also accompany you in the new life of the glorious resurrection. Amen. 

ACTION: We are invited not only to meditate and pray the Easter mystery, but to live it. 

Psalm 21: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?



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