Commentary on the Gospel of

Mary Elizabeth Sperry - Bible Diary 2023 - Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc. and Victoria Sanchez - Madrid Teacher

Read: Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter summarizes Jesus’ life and ministry, his saving death and resurrection. Both choices for the second reading come from the Letters of Saint Paul, inviting us to live in a new way in light of Christ’s resurrection. The disc very of the empty tomb  by Mary Magdalene, Peter, and the beloved disciple.

Reflect: Alleluia! Christ is risen! In his resurrection we find our hope. Jesus’ resurrection destroyed death, once and for all. Because we share in his death through Baptism, we also share in his resurrection and may live forever with God in heaven. This is the grounding of our Easer joy, joy that we will celebrate for fifty days – a week of weeks.

In our Baptism, we were made new. Throughout Lent, we deepened our baptismal commitment and celebrate this Easter renewed, ready to renew our baptismal promises to reject sin and cling ever more closely to God. We live in a new way, focused on the things of God in purity and sincerity. The tomb is empty. A new day has begun.

Pray: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad! Alleluia!

Act: Pray the Apostles’ Creed and reflect on what your Baptism means.


 The Resurrection of Jesus :the feast of Christians. 

To celebrate the feast of Easter is the greatest and most joyful thing a creature can celebrate. It is the feast of faith, hope and charity. It is also the feast of life, the triumph of Jesus over death. The Resurrection of the Lord changes the apostles into new men. The people and the Sanhedrin proclaim loudly: "We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4,20). The church sings today of the new life of Jesus and ours. "They fought in life and death / In a unique battle / And he who is the Life, dead, / Triumphant rises / King, O victor, have mercy on human misery / And give your faithful a share / In your holy victory / Amen".

The great miracle of our human condition is that we can collaborate in that resurrection. Because to live resurrected is to make life grow in us, to free us from sterile selfishness and to revive the capacity to love, lifting up the dejected, cleaning the stained, renewing the new, and encouraging the discouraged, we feel the presence of the Risen One, by the desire to overcome and grow, and thus we can also be resurrected people. How to do it? By rising up convinced that what we are going to do is to live, not to vegetate. Let us dedicate ourselves in this Easter season and always to share resurrection. In this way: "Where there is hatred, let us put love, / Where there is offence, let us put forgiveness, / Where there is discord, let us put union, / Where there is error, let us put truth, / Where there is doubt, let us put faith, / Where there is despair, let us put hope, / Where there is darkness, let us put light, / Where there is sadness, let us put joy" (St. Francis of Assisi).

To live resurrected and to sow the Risen Christ is the mission of the Christian. To sow resurrection is to announce and work for the values of the Risen One, it is to believe that Life conquers death, that the executioner does not triumph over the victim, that the ultimate is not emptiness.

PRAYER :Help us Lord to discover your life in the simplest things and to fill our eyes with faith and to understand what you tell us through so many mediations. 

ACTION :Celebrate the joy of the Resurrection with those closest to you.

(Psalm 117) This is the day on which the Lord has acted, let us rejoice and be glad.



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