Commentary on the Gospel of

Mary Elizabeth Sperry - and Victoria Sanchez Madrid Teacher

Read: Today’s first reading speaks of the way the Christian community lived in light of Pentecost. The second reading begins the first letter of Peter, a beautiful reflection on Baptism and Christian faith. The Gospel recounts Jesus’ first appearance to his disciples after the resurrection.

Reflect: I’ve always thought that Thomas was misjudged. He wasn’t in the room with the other disciples when Jesus appeared. Unlike the other disciples who were locked away in fear, Thomas was out in the community. Thomas showed similar courage what he expressed his willingness to go to Lazarus, even if it meant risking death. This courage would extend to the end of Thomas’ life. Tradition tells us that Thomas was martyred after he brought the Gospel to India.

How often do we judge the people in our lives because we don’t know their whole story? How often do we let prejudice and the opinions of others define our perceptions? May “Doubting Thomas” give us the courage to look with eyes of love.

Pray: Lord, help me to see others as you see them and to respond to them in love.

Act: Examine your conscience for times that you have allowed prejudice and others’ negative opinions influence your thinking.


"Blessed are those who believe without having seen!"

Mercy in the light of Easter allows itself to be perceived as a true form of knowledge, and this is important: Mercy is a true form of knowledge, it is known through the senses, through intuition, through reason and even in other ways, well, it can also be known through the experience of mercy because it is mercy that opens the door of the mind to a better understanding of the mystery of God and of our own personal existence.

Today we have the great scene of Jesus appearing to his disciples and giving them the great gifts: peace, strength, faith, joy and forgiveness. It was the day of the Resurrection and they were afraid; it was already late and the doors were all locked together for fear of the Jews. They had just finished supper and Jesus appeared in their midst and said to them: "Peace be with you", "It is I. Do not be afraid", he wanted them to be convinced, he wanted them to see him, to hear him. "But it is hard for them to believe, it is hard for them to see and he gives them this strength: "See, as the Father has sent me, I also send you", and he breathed on them and said: "Receive the Holy Spirit and as many as you see, forgive them, and if you retain them, their sins will be retained". When this happened Thomas was not there with them, but when Jesus came back He saw Thomas again and he denied it, saying: "Unless I see the nails in His hands and put my finger in the place, I will not believe in His side. And Jesus says to him: "Come, unbelieving apostle, come, Thomas: "Put your finger here and look at my hands and bring your hand and put it into my side and "do not be unbelieving but faithful. And Jesus says: "Blessed are those who believe without having seen".

Let us gather today the great gifts of the Resurrection: peace, faith, believing without seeing, and the joy of knowing that you are with us.

 Our joy should be overflowing after every Eucharist in which we celebrate the greatest event in the history of salvation: the death and resurrection of Christ, because in our faith. Easter should be the great cause of our joy. Christ is risen and therefore we will also be risen. We should be joyful because one day we were called to faith and hope. We are joyful because Jesus has appointed us as witnesses of his joy because of our baptism. This is our mission as Christians. 

Psalm 117:Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever. 

PRAYER : Lord, let us not let fear close the doors of our hearts to the great joy of your Resurrection. 

ACTION : Wish peace to all those who cross your path and share with them your faith and your smile. 



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