Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time -   "Freely you have received, freely give" 

We must always pray to the "Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest" who is God the Father, to send out labourers to work in his field, which is the world, and each one of us must do this with an open heart, with a missionary attitude; our prayer must not only be about our petitions, our needs: a prayer is truly Christian if it also has a universal dimension. 

The last words of the Gospel, "what you have received without charge, give without charge" (Mt 10,8), invite us to bring the Gospel of Jesus without charge. This is the only way to do it. This is the condition of the apostolate: "Nothing is of interest in a world where everything is bought and sold for money". "Woe to me if I do not evangelise! ". (1 Chr 9,16) said St. Paul.

"The Lord himself shows us the way to follow: "Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest". Prayer is the most effective means of helping many to discover the vocation to which God calls them, and he who is generous anticipates the needs of his neighbour, and true generosity is full of small details, showing itself to be agile and fine, and works without making noise. There is nothing that dignifies us more than to serve unselfishly: whoever serves others freely and freely, out of love, grows in dignity. When the great problems of mankind, such as hunger, illiteracy, war, terrorism and all kinds of misery, are placed before our eyes, we feel powerless and ask ourselves, "What are you doing? 

The answer is usually negative: nothing. "It is always easier to let things be done than to do them", because doing involves a risk, but it is worth taking it, even if sometimes we make mistakes. It is better to make a mistake by doing than to make a mistake by not doing. 

PRAYER: Send, Lord, many good workers into your harvest to sow the seed of the Gospel in the world. Amen. 

ACTION :We continue the mission of Jesus and the apostles: to be witnesses of the Gospel of salvation in the world by our works and words. 

PSALM 99 :We are his people, the sheep of his flock. 



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