Commentary on the Gospel of


Abide in my love

Jesus invited his disciples to love because we can only experience the true essence of life by loving others. However, our experiences in relationships with others have taught us that ‘to love’ is not always easy, as we may get controlled by negative emotions such as jealousy, envy, hatred, and selfishness.

Love is something that cannot be commanded or forced. One cannot be forced to love another person. The words "love" and "command" seem to contradict each other. However, in today's Gospel, Jesus says, "If you want to be in my love, keep my commandments." Jesus loves us without any conditions. It is our choice to accept or reject his love.

Remaining in the love of Jesus is a choice that each person must make for themselves. When we harbour hatred toward others, we are essentially pushing away God and rejecting the love of Jesus. Accepting Jesus' invitation to love one another in the way that he loves us would also demand sacrifices as he did.

Love is a sweet burden. The Gospel tells us that the only way to learn to love one another unconditionally is by abiding in Jesus, which is a continuous effort.

The early church faced various challenges and disagreements, but as we read in the Acts of the Apostles, showing compassionate understanding and Christ-like love is the most effective way to resolve conflicts. Let us continue to pray for those regions of the world that are suffering from wars, hatred, and mistrust. 

Our hearts must be open to love, compassion, and empathy instead of hatred and selfishness.


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