Liturgy Alive Weekday in Ordinary Time

Monday, February 28, 2011

Opening Prayer

God our Father,
your Son Jesus, looks at us with love
and he asks us to follow him
generously and radically.
But you know how hard it is for us
not to be attached more
to things and people than to you.
Sustain us in our struggles
to be fully free for you and people,
for what is impossible for us
you can do in us through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

First Reading Introduction: Turn again to the Most High, and learn the judgments of God.
Ben Sirach states that all, even the just, are affected by sin, and therefore, he sounds a call for penance.

Gospel Introduction:  Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor.
The young man of the Gospel is proud, perhaps a bit pharisaical, to have observed the commandments since his childhood. But Jesus asks more: for the kingdom of God one must be willing to follow Jesus absolutely and give up every-thing else for it. Jesus’ offer is too demanding for him to be accepted. The young man was not willing to pay the price. Are we always willing to pay it fully?

General Intercessions

–    For those in the Church, who proclaim to us the wisdom of the Word of God, that they themselves may first live it and share their experience with us, we pray:
–    For parents and educators, that they may challenge the young to live for things that matter; and for the young, that idealism and generosity may keep guiding their lives, we pray:
–    For all of us, that we may be deeply aware that by the grace of God we have the strength to answer the invitation of the Lord, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts
God, our Father,
in these humble signs of bread and wine,
we will soon recognize the presence
of your Son, Jesus Christ, in our midst.
May he give us eyes and hearts of faith
to recognize his real presence also,
in all who are poor
and do not count in this world.
Make us small and poor enough
to know that we owe to the poor
what we owe to Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion
God, our Father,
in this Eucharist we have encountered
your Son, Jesus Christ.
Let him give us the poverty of heart
to follow him wherever he calls us.
We may have few material things
to sell and give to the poor.
Make us aware of all the riches
of mind and heart, of patience and love
that we can share
and help us to do so wholeheartedly and without regret,
in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Usually an encounter with Jesus changes a person. But one can also refuse, like the rich man of the Gospel. May we have encounters with him that change us. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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