Liturgy Alive Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011


Opening Prayer

God of the ages and of eternity,
you have entrusted to us, your people,
your project about people and the world.
Do not allow us to delay your plans
by our own limitations.
Make us aware that all we can do is
being a leaven, and a sign
that the seed you have sown will grow.
Keep us hoping in patience,
that integrity, love and justice
will come in your own good time
as a gift from you,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
In the famous chapter 7 of Daniel, a mysterious “Son of Man” (a human being) is announced. Is he an individual or a community? He belongs to both earth and heaven and will inaugurate a kingdom that comes as a gift from God, not as an earthly conquest. Jesus will apply this title to himself and purify it. The empires built on power and godlessness are ridiculed: they are statues with feet of clay, or like monstrous animals. God will judge them, so they will disappear.

Gospel Introduction 

      The faithful should keep hope in patience: God’s kingdom is near. There are not only tensions and conflicts inside God’s people and from outside: there are also signs of hope, and we should see these signs.

General Intercessions

–   That we may always look for signs of hope when life is difficult and our faith is tested, we pray:

–   That we may always keep trusting the Lord Jesus, that he is with us until the end of time, we pray:

–   That we may accept that it is difficult for the kingdom of God to break through and to bring justice and love to all, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God of the promises,
to destroy the powers of evil
your Son came not as a triumphant king
but as the suffering Son of Man.
In this bread and this wine
we join our destiny to his.
May we learn from him
whose apparent failure led to victory
to accept the tensions of our time
and the slow growth of your kingdom
in patience and hope.
For we know that you keep your promises
of unending life and love and happiness
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord, God of hope,
you have given us a beautiful dream
of your unending reign of love and joy,
but we are torn between discouragement and hope
because it is beyond our powers.
Thank you for reviving our expectations
through the body and blood of your Son.
Help us to grow into new people
through our tensions and struggles
by the strength of him to whom you have given
sovereignty and glory and kingship,
Jesus Christ our Lord.


It is sometimes said by non-believers that Christians look up to heaven because they cannot deal with the world. Christ tells us that we have to deal with the world and to change it, to work towards “a new heaven and a new earth.” Let us try  to do so with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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