Liturgy Alive Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you have called all who listen
to the Word of your Son
and put it into practice
to be the new family you love.
Address each of us personally,
that we may understand your Word,
receive it with ready hearts, like Mary,
and let it become flesh and blood
in all our actions.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
How do we deal with our neighbor? Justice is more important than sacrifice, and we should hear the cry of the poor.


Gospel Introduction
After his parables on the sower of the word and of the lamp, Luke, using the incident of Mary and Jesus' relatives seeking him out in the crowd, sums up by saying that Jesus' new family is made up of those who hear the word of God and live accordingly. Accepting the gospel transcends family ties. This is no direct rebuke to Mary, as we know that she received and responded to the word of God and pondered it in her heart. Like her, do we put it into practice?

General Intercessions

– That we may be close to Jesus by seeking with him and his mother the will of the Father in everything, we pray:
– That priests and religious may keep trusting in the Lord who has called them notwithstanding their human weakness, and that with Christ, they may care for people to bring them close to God, we pray:
– That by keeping our baptismal promises, we may be faithful to God who remains always faithful to us, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God our Father,
we have heard your Word
and now we bring before you
this bread and this wine.
Let this be the food and drink
that give us the strength
to act upon the word of your Son, 
Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God our Father,
your Word became flesh for us
in this Eucharistic celebration.
Let the Word of your son unite us
to be fully the new family of your Church.
Let the Spirit of your Son fill our own words
with truth, integrity, and love,
that we may brighten each other's day.
And may our lives echo to the world
the Word you have spoken to us,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.


We should be people of the Word: people who belong to Christ, the living Word of God; people who keep their word; people who live according to the word they believe in; people, like Mary, who are completely open to the Word of God. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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