Liturgy Alive Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Opening Prayer

    Lord, our God,
    we know that you love us
    and that neither suffering nor pain,
    even death can separate us from you.
    Do not take it too seriously when we complain,
    when we are impatient with you,
    with ourselves and with people.
    Keep before us the image of your Son,
    who could not be swayed from his mission
    and give us the strength to follow him,
    for he is our Lord, for ever and ever.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction

Job cries out his misery in complaints to the Lord. He cannot take it, he doesn't see any sense in it, and he asks God why. Jesus knows how to take suffering. He does not run away from it, for he accepts the consequences of his task: to be faithful, whatever the cost, to his mission of love of reconciling people to his Father and of saving us.

Gospel Introduction

The prophet Elijah did not find God in the storm wind or the earthquake or the fire, but in the gentle breeze. The "sons of thunder," James and John, wanted fire to come down on the Samaritan village that did not receive Jesus, but Jesus reprimanded them. Violence is not God's way.

General Intercessions

– Lord Jesus, forgive us when we cry out our pain, when it is hard to bear; help us, we pray:
– Lord Jesus, help especially people who are broken and discouraged and alone, that they may carry their burden with you, we pray:
– Lord Jesus, let those who are in a long and painful sickness feel your pre-sence, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts
    God our Father,
    at the table of your Son,
    uproot from our hearts
    all bitterness and impatience.
    You did not destroy us with fire from heaven
    when we sinned against you and people.
    Encourage us with the fire of love
    and give us the bread of strength of your Son.
    With him, we offer you our pains,
    our impatience, but also our joy and love.
    Grant us this in the name of Jesus, the Lord.

Prayer after Communion
    Patient and loving God,
    we know that you love us
    and want us to be happy.
    You let your Son pay the heavy price
    for our pride and selfishness.
    By this Eucharist, restore us,
    keep us hoping and believing in you,
    and dispose us to live for others
    and if necessary in pain and toil
    with them and for them,
    as Jesus did, your Son,
    who lives with you and stays with us now,
    and we hope and pray, for ever.


    Yes, we have a Lord who was crucified, and we are his followers. But sometimes, we forget and complain too easily. Of course, pain hurts and we have not to ask for it. May God stand by your side and bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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