Liturgy Alive Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Opening Prayer

Our loving God and Father,
you have invited us to stay with you,
to listen to the message of Jesus your Son
and to accept from him your peace and love.
May we welcome him wholeheartedly
and learn from him to welcome him too
in people who appeal to us
for forgiveness and a bit of warmth,
for patience and hope and joy.
Let them not pass your servants by.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
Paul asserts that he has the right to speak in the name of Christ because Jesus Christ himself has given him the Good News to speak it.

Gospel Introduction

      A hospitable family or person makes guests feel at home and gives them the best available. But if we are truly hospitable we are also listening to the guest and to receive from him or her perhaps more than we give and in a deeper way. We receive the guest as a person. God presents himself in the Bible as a traveler on a journey. He asks for hospitality as a stranger or a poor person. Christ also says that in the homeless we welcome him.

General Intercessions

- That we may recognize the Lord in the features of a stranger and welcome him as we would welcome the Lord himself, we pray:

- That we may welcome the best our brothers and sisters give us, even before we share the best of ourselves with them, we pray:

- That we may be and remain hospitable people, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

may we welcome Jesus your Son
in these offerings of bread and wine,
Open us to his word and his mentality.
Prepare us to welcome him in people
and to encounter him in their person,
even when he comes at another time
and in another way than we expect him.
Enrich us by giving to, and receiving from, one another
your greatest gift to us,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
you have come among us in your Son
to be our guest.
In our everyday life
may we always be open to anyone in need.
Help us to recognize you and welcome you
in everyone who comes to us.
In every human encounter
offer us your grace and love
through Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives with you and stays with us
now and for ever.


In this eucharist we have been the Lord's own guests. He has been very hospitable to us, listening to us and speaking to us his warm words of friendship. He sends us out now to be one another's guests and hosts. Welcome now the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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