Liturgy Alive St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Saturday, November 17, 2012


November 17


Daughter of the King of Hungary, Elizabeth (1207-1231) was given in marriage at the age of 14 to the count of Thuringia in what could be called an ideal marriage. She devoted most of her time and the resources of her husband to the sick and the poor. At her husband's death, she was driven away from the castle, her children ware taken away from her and she shared the life of the poor. She died at the age of 24. We can learn from her what it means to be poor.

Opening Prayer

God, lover of the poor,
fill us with your own gratuitous love,
as you showed us in St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
Teach us to love and bless
even those who maltreat us.
Indeed, deepen and widen our limited love,
and make it without measure, like yours,
that we may be called sons and daughters
of you, the Most High,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

Compassionate God, 
you set for us the table of your Son 
as a sign of love open to all,
even and especially to the poor.
As we have accepted your invitation,
may we also accept all its consequences,
that your compassionate love
may become flesh and blood in us,
weak and fallible people,
and that it may benefit
the most destitute and abandoned.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord, our hospitable God,
you have let us share the table of your Son.
Let this mean for us that, like St. Elizabeth,
we have also to share our table
with the humble and the dispossessed,
even with people who are difficult and not very lovable.
Inspire us to help them back on their feet
and to restore to them that which no one can dispense with:
self-esteem, self-confidence,
and the indestructible courage
to be human persons.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.

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