Liturgy Alive Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Saint MONICA, Memorial 
August 27


A convinced Christian, Monica was married to a short-tempered, philandering husband. She succeeded in converting both him and her mother in law. Her son, Augustine, belonged to the Manichean sect and his moral conduct caused her much anxiety and shame. Yet Monica could finally win him to the faith by her prayers and penance – and what a man and Christian Augustine became! His mother's tears had brought him to life in Christ (hence the gospel). Thus she was twice his mother. Her life was that of a lot of women – trials in marriage, worries about difficult children. But she knew that faith in Christ makes everything possible.

Opening Prayer

Almighty, eternal God,
to give a human life to their children
is the great task you entrust to mothers.
We thank you today for St. Monica,
who prayed to you for her Son Augustine
that he might find Jesus.
Grant to all parents
that they may help their children live and grow
in the life and the future
of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God,
let this bread and wine be the signs
that with your Son Jesus Christ
we care about your kingdom among people.
Help us through your Son
to lead one another forward
on the way to you.
May he live in all of us,
for he is our Lord for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
we thank you for Jesus Christ
and for the many men and women
to whom he meant enough
to dedicate themselves to their neighbor
for his sake.
Let them inspire us today
to care for those around us.
Help us to believe firmly enough
in the mystery of your Son's resurrection
to rise above our petty selves
and to help others overcome
their fears and their servitudes
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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