Liturgy Alive ST. LUKE, Evangelist, Feast

Friday, October 18, 2013


A man concerted from a heartless paganism is struck by Christ, the Lord, who is concerned about the poor and the downtrodden; a physician, he is fascinated too by a man who is more than a man, Christ the Lord who heals the sick body and soul. This is the evangelist Luke. A jewel of his style is the tender description of the holy family in his Infancy Narrative. Among his main themes are God's boundless forgiveness, prayer, the seriousness of the Christian life, the roleof women in the Church, the universalism of a Church destined for all. These themes constantly reappear in the two books he wrote: his gospel and the Acts of the Apostles.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
your evangelist Luke portrays with warmth 
your Son Jesus Christ as the healer
of the ills of people,
and the friend and support of the poor.
May St. Luke open our eyes
to the needs of the poor and defenseless 
and help us love them and care for them.
Make us poor of heart,
that we may understand the poor
and bring joy and liberation to them.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

Liturgy of the Word


General Intercessions 

- For the Church, that it keep bringing healing to those physically and spiritually ill, we pray:

- For women, that we may appreciate more their great contribution to the vitality of the Church, we pray: 

- For our Christian communities, that they may be open to all and welcome all, the poor and the rich, strangers and familiars, we pray:

- For all of us, that we may take our faith seriously and pray that it may stay strong and rich, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Our caring God,
here are bread and wine,
simple food and the drink of joy.
By this gesture of offering,
We assume our responsibility for the poor.
With your Son, let us never remain indifferent
to the human and spiritual misery
of our brothers and sisters in need.
Accept the poverty of our own hearts
and be our only lasting riches,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God, Father of the poor, 
your Son Jesus has been here among us
and he has knocked at the door of our hearts.
We have welcomed him,
but it was he who gave us to eat.
May we keep receiving him
and making him feel comfortable as our brother
every time someone begs for our help
or, when in need, is too timid
to express where it hurts.
We ask for this sensitivity
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Luke was a healer, like Jesus. With him may we bring the healing power of our faith and love to the people around us, and may God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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