Liturgy Alive Wednesday, 14th Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Saint BENEDICT, Abbot
July 11


St. Benedict's time, between 480 and 550 A.D., was one of crisis much like ours, with the whole world of his era changing face. The Roman Empire was crumbling in the West, and whole peoples were migrating from continent to continent. Spiritual confusion was even greater. To the order of monks he founded, he gave a rule that is a model of balance and appealing to human capacities. Benedictine monasteries became for much of Europe centers of civilization and culture. Benedict is the patron saint of Europe and of Western monasticism.

Opening Prayer

All-wise and loving God,
St Benedict wisely told his monks
to combine work with prayer.
Never let us forget either of these two.
Let our prayer inspire what we do
to take up our task in life conscientiously
and to use our God-given talents
in the service of you and of people.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

Our loving God,
with bread and wine we remember him
who gave himself totally for others,
your Son Jesus Christ.
Everything was taken away from him
except the certainty that he could count on you.
Make us aware of the passing value of the things
to which we attach ourselves.
Set our hearts on the things
that never devaluate: you and our neighbor,
justice, truth and generous love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
by the power of this eucharist
help us to see and to practice fully
what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
Let us find serenity in him
and learn to bring peace to others,
the peace of love and kindness,
of forgiveness and mercy.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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