Liturgy Alive Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Opening Prayer

Lord, our God,
your mercy extends to everyone.
Let your missionary Church go out to all
without any self-imposed, useless baggage
that obscures the pure message of the Gospel
but with great humility before the good will
and the hospitality of people.
May, thus, our receptivity to people
make them in turn receptive to the Good News
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
The author admits his ignorance and attests to the solid value of divine wisdom. He prays for faithfulness and a life of neither abundance nor want.

Gospel Introduction

      After his parables on the sower of the word and of the lamp, Luke, using the incident of Mary and Jesus' relatives seeking him out in the crowd, sums up by saying that Jesus' new family is made up of those who hear the word of God and live accordingly. Accepting the gospel transcends family ties. This is no direct rebuke to Mary, as we know that she received and responded to the word of God and pondered it in her heart. Like her, do we put it into practice?


General Intercessions

– Lord, they were only fishers cleaning their nets, but you called the apostles to spread your Good News. Make us fearless to speak your Word, we pray:
– Lord, he was only a tax collector behind his desk, but you called Matthew to heal people and cast out devils. Wounded as we are, make us healers too, we pray:
– Lord, they are only plain, unpretentious people, but you call your faithful in our communities to tolerate no injustice, and to defend the poor. Speak through all of us what is right and good, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Creator of the whole world
and lover of all, our God,
we join your Son, Jesus Christ in his sacrifice
whereby he redeemed the world.
Through the Spirit of your Son,
enlighten and guide us
to bring his Good News as a light
to shine on all nations
and as the healing power
that reconciles all humanity with you,
our God, for ever and ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
your Son has again given us his command
to bring his message of hope and salvation
to all who are willing to listen.
We pray to you now for those
whom you call especially for this task.
Let them be so much in the grip of the Gospel
that they go out and place themselves
without fear or hesitation in the hands of people,
trusting in you and in the power of the Gospel
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


The whole Church is mission. Missionaries must leave behind their luggage of their culture and big means, go in all simplicity with the Good News of Jesus, but must be ready also to be rejected like their Master. May Almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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