Liturgy Alive Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
your kingdom is not an established order
but something that is alive and always coming.
Make us aware that it is to be found
where we let you reign,
where we and the kingdom of people
give way to your kingdom,
where we let your justice and love and peace
take the place of our fumbling and stumbling.
Lord, establish your kingdom among us
through Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
The warm, charming letter of St. Paul to Philemon makes us almost forget that Paul has no outright condemnation of slavery as it existed in his time. Yet, he states the principles that will gradually eradicate that kind of slavery from most of the world. Love and brotherhood in Christ cannot tolerate slavery; interior liberty will not permit this slavery. And yet, many people today are not free: they cannot withstand or escape from being enslaved to the machine, to business methods, advertising, the social pressures of keeping up with the Joneses, fashions, political systems.

Gospel Introduction

      To the Pharisees and perhaps to the disciples too, anxiously looking for signs, Jesus says: The kingdom of God is among you, right in your midst. It is already present in our lives. In other words, be wise and be committed to the present, to building up God’s kingdom now. Seek eternity and eternal life in the present, and God’s good day will come in God’s good time.

General Intercessions

–   For the Church, which is not yet the kingdom, that it may be may be a visible sign of God’s kingdom on earth by its openness to all, its spirit of love and service, we pray:

–   That all Christians may contribute to make the gospel credible by our commitment to justice and love, we pray:

–   That we may build roads of peace and service to one another and that we may prepare ourselves and the world to welcome Jesus and the kingdom of God, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God,
if we let you reign in us
rather than our self-will
or the people and things around us,
we would recognize that there is
a holy communion of love between you and us.
Come among us in Christ,
in this eucharist and in daily life,
and take possession of us
to rule and forgive, to sanctify and enlighten,
to order all things for the good of all
and to renew us by your grace.
Grant us this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Loving and all-wise Father,
in this eucharistic celebration
you have again given us Jesus your Son.
Through his Spirit of wisdom,
make us fully aware
that our human personality and existence
and people and events around us
are the way in which you call us
and in which we respond to your call.
Develop your kingdom among us
through him who is in our midst,
Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord.


The kingdom of God is among us. It is here if we have accepted Christ and let him light up our lives, in realities that are not so directly measurable: justice, forgiveness, love, peace, goodness. May almighty God help us to build up this kingdom with Christ our Lord and bless you for this task, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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