Liturgy Alive Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Opening Prayer

Our saving God,
long ago you sent your Son Jesus among us,
but we have been too little aware of his presence
and we hide him from others.
Wake us up, make us recognize him,
that he may be the light of our lives
and that we may eagerly lead people to him.
May he build up among us and with us
a world and a kingdom of peace and love
where we serve you in one another,
as we move forward in hope
to your home of endless joy and rest.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
The book of Revelation gives us today an optimistic vision of the future: the river of life leads to the tree of life. It is God and the Lamb of God that give us a wonderfully fertile and lasting life.

Gospel Introduction

     Still, the gospel warns us. We may not choose the easy way of indifference or evil. We shall have to give an account to the Son of Man. We have to be watchful, so that we can stand before him with confidence. But our hope is great. We are a people of hope.

General Intercessions

–   That leaders, prophets, witnesses of the faith and all others whose task it is to stir our hope in a better world may be guided by the Holy Spirit of hope, we pray:

–   That we may revive the faith and trust of people without courage and hope by building a fairer and more merciful world with them, we pray:

–   That in this community we may inspire one another by our living faith and indestructible hope, and that by our love and service the Lord may live among us, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God of our future,
we pray at this altar

for the coming among us of your Son Jesus Christ
in the signs of bread and wine. 
Inspire us by the power of his Spirit
and sustain us in hope,
that we may fully commit ourselves
to build up among people a city
that is human, peaceful, just and fraternal
as an offering that pleases you,
our God and Father.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God our Father,
it was good to be here with your Son
and to receive from him the bread of hope.
Help us in our clumsy attempts
to bring to our cold world
the warmth of his love and friendship,
of his compassion and his integrity,
that people may see the day

when they can recognize among us
your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Where is God’s kingdom among us? Can people see that Christ is here among us, in our communities? We hope in the Lord, but he is also hoping in us. Let the Lord come and activate us, with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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