Liturgy Alive Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014


“We want to be liberated from those illusions, frustrations, injustices and repression to which the modern world has subjected us in violation of its promises – this is what the young are saying, the disinherited, the automatons of modern technology: we want to be free persons, real persons, people rescued from hunger and from the spiral of incurable inferiority. Yes, answers the Man of people: come to me all you who are in tribulation and I will console you. I am with you, with the power of the Spirit, not with violence and passion. Wisdom alone liberates the world.” Paul VI, Christmas Message, Dec. 25, 1970.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
in a world of injustice, war and exploitation,
in which more and more people
have the means to live
but not many reasons to live for,
you promise us a star to follow,
Jesus, your Son.
God, keep in us the hope alive
that he will come today
and that, if we are willing
to take the demands of the Gospel seriously,
we can become indeed a new people
completely renewed in Christ,
our Savior for ever and ever.

Liturgy of the Word


General Intercessions

–   Lord Jesus, make your Church be a star that proclaims that you are present among your people when we love one another and have a sense of justice, we pray:

–   Lord, let those who wander about without knowing where they are going discover in the gospel something that gives meaning to their lives, above all the person of Jesus, we pray:

–   Lord, as we prepare for Christmas, may you become closer and more real to us these days, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, in these signs of bread and wine
your Son Jesus gives himself to us.
May we learn from him
that we have to give up
our selfish interests and our attitudes of superiority
if we want to reshape this world
into a place where all can live in peace
and into the sign of the higher reality
where you will be everything to all,
for ever and ever.

Prayer after Communion

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son has been with us
in this eucharistic celebration.
May our unity here in you be the promise
of his presence among us in life
as our God-with-us.
Let him go with us all the way,
that our hope may never die,
for he is the way, our way
to a life and a future
that will last for ever and ever.


I see the Lord Jesus as close to us; I see him as the star of our lives. May we see him as our Savior and friend. May God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit

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