Liturgy Alive Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Opening Prayer

Our loving God,
your Son Jesus, has revealed you to us
as more warmhearted, tender, and compassionate
than any mother could ever be.
Be near to all who are wounded in life,
care for the little people trampled upon.
Make all those who follow your Son
people who can forgive and heal,
who make themselves like nourishing bread
for all who are hungry in any way.
Make us care for one another
as you care for us through Jesus,
your Son and our Lord for ever.


First Reading Introduction: May the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great shepherd, furnish you with all that is good.
          In a final exhortation, the author of Hebrews sums up what he had said for the practical living of Christians. This is the blessing he wishes to his people.


Gospel Introduction: They were like sheep without a shepherd.
        What a pity if our world would become so heartless as to do away with compassion? We hear in today’s Good News that God shows in Jesus that he cares for us with a love deeper and more tender than that of a mother for the child to which she had given life. He is particularly close to those who need him most: the weak, those who suffer, the abandoned, and those who count for nothing. That is the love he showed us in Jesus; that is the love he invites us to have for one another: deep, tender, lasting, and not afraid of showing itself.


General Intercessions

–    That we may be grateful to God for all the mercy and compassion he shows us, we pray:
–    That God’s people may learn to be a compassionate community to all those who suffer and to those who are trampled upon, we pray:
–    That we may be people of peace, who try to understand one another and seek reconciliation when we are divided, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God, compassionate Father,
in these signs of bread and wine,
we welcome your Son, Jesus Christ,
as our Good Shepherd who died for us,
to give direction to our life.
Let us feel how much he is familiar
with our weariness and our miseries,
that he listens when we turn to him,
that he is present when we need him.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Our loving and caring God,
we thank you with all our hearts
for giving us a sure guide,
who feels with us
and knows where he leads us,
your Son, Jesus Christ.
Keep giving to your Church today
pastors in the image of your Son.
Let them be full of compassion and vision,
sensitive to people and their needs,
open to the demands and potentials
of the Gospel and of our times.
Make them good shepherds
in the image of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


In the Bible, to have compassion means literally “to feel in the depth of one’s bowels.” We would say in the depth of our heart. To be close in fidelity and compassion to others. That is God’s way with us. Let it be our way with one another, with the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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