Liturgy Alive Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015
p align="center">Tuesday, 6th Week in Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
when we do not see clearly in life,
when suffering comes our way,
we tend to blame you or people.
Help us to realize clearly
how much of the evil around us
comes from within ourselves,
from our greed for riches and power,
from our self-complacency and selfishness.
Speak to us your word of forgiveness
and change us from a silent majority of evil
into a solidarity of love,
by the grace of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
The memory of big inundations was strong in the lands and cultures of Asia Minor. The Bible ascribes them as God's punishment of the growing evil in the world. Yet, at the same time,—he spares the innocent.

General Intercessions

– For those who are tempted, that they may remember how Jesus overcame temptation and ask him to give them the strength to resist, we pray:
– For those who have seriously sinned, that they may remember that God still loves them and is ready to forgive them, we pray:
– For all of us, that we may see the signs of God's goodness and of the faith of good people, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, loving Father,
in these signs of bread and wine,
you reassure us that you are always with us
through him who became one of us,
your Son, Jesus Christ.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear
all the good things you do for us
through people who comfort us
and share with us in the hour of need;
help us to brighten each other's lives
with a smile and a warm word,
as you are the light of our lives
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
when we look for signs
that you are still with us,
give us the faith and the strength
to be to the world the sign
of your saving love
by our integrity, our ways of peace,
our concern for one another,
for where charity and love prevail
surely you are there
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Just open your eyes and your ears and learn to see the good things God does among us even today. Keep seeing and believing, for there are signs enough. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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