Liturgy Alive Saturday,2nd week of Easter

Saturday, April 18, 2015



The apostles were looking for disciples to serve the material needs of the people. They were supposed to be servants filled with the Spirit of wisdom, who would see the needs and be just and fair in distributing the food and the help needed. It takes sensitivity to feel who are the needy and what they need. The apostles set Stephen and companions aside for this task.

This reading says also that the first duty of the Church is the proclamation of the good news. And, says the gospel, that good news says that Christ is always staying with his Church, also in the trials and the tempest of all times.

Opening Prayer

Lord God,
also in our day we need men and women
filled with the Spirit of love and service
who are attentive to the needs of people.
Let them listen even to the unspoken cries
of people too timid to voice 
their poverty and distress
and help without condescension
their brothers and sisters of Christ,
for he is our Lord for ever.


General Intercessions

- For those who left the Church or have not yet found it, that the witnessing of our evangelical living may be the food that nourishes their hunger for God, we pray:
- For people who have enough to eat, that they be concerned to bring to those in need the food of their help, love and justice, we pray:
- For those who participate regularly in the eucharist, that they may also learn and relish the food of your word, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
your Son Jesus shares himself again
in these signs of bread and wine.
May he make us to our neighbor
the bread of encouragement and justice
and the drink of joy and peace.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
you let your Son stay with us in the eucharist
so as to live all the more among us
in everyday life.
Accept our thanks
and let him continue to be our strength
on the road of life
until we reach with him
the house of you, our God and Father,
and live in your joy for ever.


We believe in Jesus, our risen Lord. He nourishes us with his word of life; may it be good news which we want to experience and practice. He nourishes us with his bread of life. May it prompt you to bring love and serving help to anyone in need, with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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