Liturgy Alive Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Saint BONIFACE, Bishop and Martyr
June 5


St. Boniface (672/5-754), an English Benedictine monk, is considered one of the greatest missionaries of the early Middle Ages. He spread the gospel particularly in Germany, where he lies also buried in Fulda. He was slain by the Frisions.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
your holy bishop Boniface
proclaimed your name with great zeal
and was willing to give his life for you.
Fill us with his ardor
for living your gospel
and sharing its riches with others.
May we spare no effort
to make the gospel believable.
We ask you this through Jesus Christ, 
your Son, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, 
one God, for ever.

General Intercessions


– That we may keep up the good fight against all that is deadly to Christian life: dehumanizing kinds of labor, suppression of freedom, paralyzing fear, love that is destroyed, we pray:
– That our beloved dead may live on in the life they gave us, in the good we do, and in the intimate love of God himself, we pray:
– That all suffering and dying people may share in our resurrection faith and find strength in the knowledge that God loves them in life and beyond death, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
these gifts of bread and wine
express our sharing
in the sacrifice of your Son.
Fill us with his love
and obedience to your will,
that we may commit ourselves to you
and live the life of your Son,
who is our Lord for ever. Amen.

Prayer after Communion



Lord our God,
you want all people, wherever they are,
to come to the knowledge of the truth
and to live in your love.
Send laborers into your harvest
to proclaim your message with zeal,
that the light of your word
may dawn on everyone
and that all may know you
as a God of life and joy.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

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