Liturgy Alive Weekday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday, 11th Week in Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

    Lord, our God,
    you come and visit us
    often when we are not aware of your coming.
    Make us aware of your presence,
    that we may eagerly receive you
    and be enriched by your visit.
    Make us highly appreciate your hospitality
    when you set for us the table
    of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
      Our first reading in Year I speaks of the wonderful visit of God to Abraham to confirm his promise. The monk Andrei Rublev used this scene for his famous icon of the Blessed Trinity. God invites himself in our lives. Do we recognize and receive him?

Gospel Reading Introduction
     At a mere word of Jesus, the health of the centurion's servant is restored in response to the marvelous faith of the pagan centurion. He is a model of faith to all of us. His faith makes him worthy to take his place at the table of the kingdom.

General Intercessions

    – That all the peoples of the earth may hear where the Lord can be found, come to know his name and pray to him, we pray:
    – That we may care for the sick and bring them healing and strength by our friendship and encouraging words, we pray:
    – That we may welcome foreigners and strangers in our Christian communities and invite them to form community with us, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

    God of all people,
    we bring bread and wine before you
    to celebrate our gratitude to you
    as we are gathered around Jesus, your Son.
    For in him, you have accepted us.
    From his hospitable table
    may men and women from all peoples and cultures
    eat his bread of life
    and drink his wine of joy,
    that all may know your name
    and praise your healing love.
    We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Lord.

Prayer after Communion

    Father in heaven,
    we thank you that your Son
    has spoken his healing word to us
    even though we are not worthy.
    May he find great faith in us.
    We also thank you
    that the promise of Jesus has been fulfilled:
    Many have come from east and west
    to eat from the same table with your people,
    as they have joined us in the Eucharist.
    Accept our thanks
    through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


    May the Lord speak to us also the words he spoke to the centurion when we sincerely pray to him: "Let it be done for you according to your faith," and may God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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