Liturgy Alive Tuesday 16th Week in Ordinary Time Year 1

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you passed with your chosen people
through the waters of the sea to a land of freedom;
you lead us, your new people,
through the waters of baptism,
that we may pass with Jesus, your Son from death to life.
Make us aware that for them and for us
this passing was only a beginning.
Stay by our side on the road of life,
that we may keep growing in the freedom
of faith and hope and love
through him who set us free, Jesus Christ, our Lord. 

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction: The children of Israel marched into the midst of the sea on dry land.
          In epic style and with a superabundance of poetic detail, the authors of Exodus write down, centuries after the events themselves, the realization that God himself had saved his people. The waters of the Sea of Reeds engulfed slavery and marked the beginning of freedom in God; they set off the people of God from the people of idols; later, the waters of the Jordan allowed a free people to enter its new fatherland.
          This passing through saving waters is used in the New Testament to describe baptism; baptism is the beginning in the Christian of all true liberation, a passing with Christ from slavery to sin, to life in God.

Gospel Reading Introduction: Stretching out his hands toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers.”
           Jesus assures us that what brings us close to God and makes us his relatives is doing the will of the Father. This is all that matters, more than ties of blood. This mission was the core and meaning of Jesus’ life and death. Let us pray that his faithfulness may also be ours.

General Intercessions

–    Lord, lead us your people today to the land of freedom from evil and to the covenant of love brought us by Jesus Christ, we pray:
–    God, you remain always faithful to us. By your grace, keep us faithful to our baptismal promises, we pray:
–    Lord, accept our song of joy that you keep protecting and guiding your Church, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God,
through baptism, we have become
the one body of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Give us the food of his body,
that we may become ever more
the body of his community.
As we have become
the brothers and sisters of Christ,
unite us and make us people
who freely choose to go hand in hand
the way of justice and love
of Jesus Christ, our Lord. 

Prayer after Communion

We thank you, Lord our God,
for saving us and making us your people.
Keep reminding us Lord,
that you are not an indifferent onlooker
when we develop this earth
and take our destiny in our hands,
when we grow in brotherhood and peace,
but that it is you who inspire us
and you who help us with your hand
to bring everything to a good end
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 


We are one. We are the body of Christ. How one are we in fact? Let the Spirit of God unite us more deeply, and may Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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