Liturgy Alive Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday, August 7, 2015


Opening Prayer

God, your name is love;
everyone who loves knows you
and anyone who fails to love
can never have known you.
Keep us from separating what you have united:
husbands and wives, parents and their children,
your Son and his Church, friends in their joys and sorrows.
Let all live in your creative, lasting love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
Joshua's address to the people inculcates two points: first, God is the God of the history of his people and the people are what they are and where they are by the grace of a God who took pity on them and loved them; second, the promised land they now live in is God-given and belongs to God. Cannot the same be said of us, God's people today? Are not the land we live in and the earth we "possess" a trust of God? Is even the Church not something we do not possess, but only provisional for a people on the march in hope to their true promised land?


Gospel Introduction 

God reveals some qualities of his own love in the love of husband and wife. It is a love that reveals, in which a person discloses himself to another person as intimately as possible. It is a love that accepts the other person as he or she is and is willing to share everything together. It is a love that sacrifices all self-interests for the partner. It is a faithful love. It is also a love that is creative, that brings out the best in the other person. Is this not an image of God's love and, conversely, is God's Trinitarian love and his love for us not the model of all human love?


General Intercessions 

- For the homes built on unselfish love, that through them we may understand better all the depth of God's love, we pray:

- For homes that are broken and for partners who have failed each other, that people may show them understanding and that God may give them mercy, we pray:

- For those who have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of God, that they may never become loners but that their hearts may be spacious and warm, open to all people and to all needs, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, our Father,
around this table with bread and wine
we celebrate our community
and remember Jesus' love.
Let your Son accompany us
wherever we share the same food
and walk side by side toward the future
in faithfulness and trust.
Make us keepers of one another's happiness
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Faithful God of the covenant,
you have entrusted love to us
not as a finished product
but as an assignment for life.
Let the love of Jesus invest our love
with indestructible fidelity and generosity
that it may weather all storms
and keep growing in depth
until you crown it with your joy for ever.


What God has joined together, let no one separate. Husband and wife are one, and they have promised to be one in sickness and health, in good days and in bad days. May God keep them united and may he bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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