Liturgy Alive St. Lawrence, Martyr

Monday, August 10, 2015


As a deacon, Lawrence was placed in charge of the poor of Rome. When he was ordered to surrender the goods of the Church to the persecutors, he distributed them to the poor. When asked where the treasures of the Church were, heshowed the poor… He was broiled alive. Rome venerates him as one of the greatest saints and co-patron of Rome with Peter and Paul. May we learn loyal service from him.

Opening Prayer

Our generous God,
You want us to be to everyone
ministers of your joy and generosity.
Help us to express our gratitude to you
and to reveal your goodness
by sharing what we are and have
with joy and in all sincerity
like the deacon St. Lawrence,
who imitated the self-giving
of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

General Intercessions

–  That we may be discreet and unobtrusive in helping people in need, we pray:

–  That we may learn to see the unspoken needs of timid, simple and humble people,
we pray:

–  That the Lord make us joyful and generous of hearts and hands, we pray:


Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, our life and joy,
you  give us not only what we need
but you give us the best of yourself
in your Son Jesus Christ.
Accept from our hands
these humble gifts of bread and wine,
which we have received from you,
and through them let Christ come among us.
May they express that we too
are willing to share with others
without demanding favors or recompense.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
your gifts to us are humble and veiled,
like the giving himself to us of your Son,
in the signs of bread and wine.
God, who look into the depths of our heart,
teach us to share without display,
that our left hand may not know
what our right hand is giving.
Let it be our joy to know that you know.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.


”The more you sow, the more you reap.” Let us learn from God to be generous, for he is not stingy with his gifts to us. God loves the joyful giver. May God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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