Liturgy Alive MARTYRDOM of Saint JOHN the Baptist, Memorial

Saturday, August 29, 2015

MARTYRDOM of Saint JOHN the Baptist, Memorial 
August 29


As a witness to integrity and the honest truth, John the Baptist lost his life to cunning and violence. But he had to speak, whatever the consequences. God’s word cannot be muzzled. Does the Church – do we – have this courage today?

Opening Prayer

Lord our God, 
St. John the Baptist
prepared and went the way of your Son
both in his birth and in his death.
He died a martyr’s death
because he stood up for integrity and truth.
Give us the courage, we pray you,
to speak out when needed
in the name of the gospel
and to bear witness in word and action
to Christ Jesus, our Lord.

General Intercessions

–  Lord, give eloquence and courage to our leaders and all teachers in the Church, that they may understand it and proclaim it as good news of liberation to all, we pray:

–  Lord, open our eyes to the miseries of people; make us concerned about those imprisoned in their fears and the grip of injustice, we pray:

–  Lord, make us receptive to your word. Free us from banality and fear, our self-security and certainties, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
on the feast of your martyr John the Baptist
we bring bread and wine before you
to celebrate the memory of your Son.
Give us John’s courage,
to prepare and to be
a straight road to your Son.
May the message of our Christian living
not be a voice in the wilderness
but a humble way to Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
in a world of violence
we are easily afraid of bearing witness
to the good news of your Son.
We prefer prudence to courage.
Stir us up and move us forward
in the strength of this eucharist
to speak your word of justice and truth
and to abide by it,
that we may win the whole kingdom
of Jesus Christ our Lord.

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