Liturgy Alive Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Opening Prayer

    Our Father, who lift up the lowly,
    your Son Jesus came into our world
    as the servant of all and he cherished the helpless.
    With him, make us respect and appreciate
    the weak, the defenseless and the humble,
    and accept to be numbered among them.
    Dispose us to help them and to seek their help,
    for you have poured out your mercy on us too,
    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
      If a trusted friend proves disloyal, we feel badly hurt and find it almost impossible to remain faithful. Not so with God. He remains faithful to Israel, of which all but a small rest abandoned him. Yet the Jews keep a role in God’s plans by facilitating, beyond the possible exclusivisness of one people, the entrance of pagan nations.

Gospel Reading Introduction

      Our Lord invites us to his table. He knows that we are people with faults, people who have hurt him and others, by the wrong we done and the good we have failed to do. Knowing who we are, he still loves us and invites us as his friends to join him at his table. Let us humbly take part in his meal and ask the Lord to make us more open to the humble, to people who have erred, and to the poor.

General Intercessions

    –   Lord, in our world the powerful are honored and the humble are looked down upon. Remember the humble, we pray:

    –   Lord, in our homes many sick people, the old and the weak and the lonely are often neglected and abandoned. Remember all those who suffer, we pray:

    –   Lord, many children and old people have only the street to live and to sleep in. Remember all of them, Lord, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

    Lord our God,
    you overlook the poverty of our hearts
    and you have given us a place of honor
    at the table of your Son.
    May we learn from him
    to be at the service of all,
    that you may give us a place,
    however lowly,
    at the eternal festive meal
    of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

    Lord our God,
    we stand here before you
    as guests invited to his table
    by your Son Jesus Christ.
    We thank you that he has accepted us
    without judging or condemning us,
    though our faith is not clear-eyed
    and we often limp while trying to follow him.
    Dispose us too to accept as friends and guests
    the poor and the weak,
    just as you have accepted us
    in Jesus Christ our Lord.


    If we want the Lord Jesus to live among us, there is only one place that fits us, the last place, the place of people who know how to serve. There is no room for pretending what we are not. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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