Liturgy Alive Wednesday, 2nd Week of Adve

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The mighty God is near to the weak. This is the message of today. To the exiles, who felt abandoned by God and who saw the power of Babylon and the supposed might of her gods, God tells through the prophet: I am the mighty God. Rely on me and I will make you strong.

Jesus assumes these powers to himself, and he says: Come to me, you little, humble people who are burdened by laws in the name of religion, and I, who have become little and humble with you, will strengthen you and teach you to love; then your burdens will be light.

Opening Prayer

Everlasting, mighty God,
at times we do not know
where you are or where we are going.
When our burdens are heavy to bear,
help us to keep searching for you
and teach us to become humble again,
that we may be open to the strength
which you give us through him,
who became weary with the weary,
Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever.

Liturgy of the Word

General Intercessions

–   That the Lord may take away from our hearts all pride and harshness, and make us gentle and humble, we pray:

–   That we encourage the weak and support them to become courageous in the Lord, we pray:

–   That we may help others, friend and foe, by helping them to carry their burdens, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, mighty God,
often we look far away
for you and your strength
and forget that you are near
in your Son and in people.
Strengthen us with the bread of life
of Jesus, your Son among us.
Make us face life with courage,
for you have made it worth to be lived
through the good people around us
and on account of Jesus Christ,
who lives with you and with us for ever.

Prayer after Communion

God of comfort and strength,
you have spoken to us your refreshing word
and renewed our courage
with the body and blood of your Son.
We thank you with all our hearts.
Help us to be in our turn
near to our neighbor in need
and a haven of rest for the weary.
Make us gladly accept your yoke,
which love makes easy to bear,
and lighten one another’s burden
on account of your Son among us,
Jesus Christ our Lord for ever.


Weak as we are at times, we learn to carry our burdens when we are aware that the Lord is close to us and that we can always rely on him. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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