Liturgy Alive Saturday of the 3th Week of Lent

Saturday, March 5, 2016


We cannot save ourselves by rites and practices. Sin is forgiven and lasting happiness found in an encounter of love with God. If we recognize that we are sinners, people who have failed at times and who could do better, we recognize that our love is still very limited, and then, there is room for growth. God bandages our wounds and raises us to life. He saves us from our failures. He makes us grow in the life of Christ.

Opening Prayer

Lord, our God,
you yourself remind us through your holy people
that all our religious practices,
even this Eucharistic sacrifice,
are not worth anything
if we use them to bend you our way.
God, may we come to you
in humility and repentance,
ready to encounter you in love
and to turn your way.
Accept us as your sons and daughters,
together with Jesus Christ,
your Son and our Lord for ever.

General Intercessions

–    That we may acknowledge before the Lord that we are still wounded people in need of healing, we pray:
–    That we may not be concerned about outward appearances, but that our life and actions may be sincere and transparent, we pray:
–    That we may not boast to the Lord what we have done for him but acknowledge what he has done for us, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, our God,
we have not come together here
to justify ourselves before you
or to boast of our merits.
We simply ask of you, Lord,
to accept us as we are
with our goodwill, our lame efforts
and our half-hearted conversions.
Accept us with the sacrifice of your Son,
who stays with us and lives with you for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
we have celebrated with your Son
the memorial of his sacrifice.
Give us the strength now
to make our everyday life
into a living proof,
that we are one with him
and that we follow him
on the way through death to life.
Let him stay with us,
now and for ever.


To love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself is much more important than any ritual sacrifices. It is true worship! May God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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