Liturgy Alive The Annunciation of the Lord

Monday, April 4, 2016


We celebrate today the solemn feast of the Annunciation. “Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” said the old missal. That was correct, in a way, for the angel came to announce glad tidings to Mary. “Annunciation of the Lord,” says the new missal. Yes, this is the day that the good news is announced that she will become the Mother of Jesus. It is Jesus who is announced. He will be “God-with-us” (1st reading), who comes to do God’s will by being with us and saving us (2nd reading). It’s Jesus’ day, but it’s also Mary’s day. With the same disposition to serve God and people as Jesus had, she says, I am fully ready to serve – “I am the handmaid of the Lord.” May these be our words too.

Opening Prayer

Our faithful God and Father,
you are indeed our “God-with-us.”
Your Son became one of us, human,
born of the Holy Spirit
and of the Virgin Mary.
He came to serve,
she was the humble handmaid.
Make us deeply aware, Lord,
that salvation began with service.
Make us ready to serve in love,
as Mary did, together with Jesus Christ,
your Son and our Lord for ever.

General Intercessions

On this solemnity of the Annunciation, let us pray with Mary for the needs of the Church and of all people.

–   That the Church may always accept and carry out its vocation of proclaiming the Word of God faithfully and with zeal, we pray:

–   That with the Lord we may reach out with goodness and tender care to the weak and those suffering, we pray:

–   That those who have to take important decisions regarding the future of their life may, like Mary, see how they can best serve God and people, we pray:

–   That we may all become unaffected and humble enough to let God do great things through us, we pray:

–   That all in our Christian communities may be open enough to God’s Sprit to accept any task God asks of us, we pray:

Lord God, hear us as we ask you that with Mary we may seek your will in all we do. Grant this through her Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
here are bread and wine
as signs of our willingness
to be available to you and to our neighbor.
As Jesus could come among people
because Mary was ready to serve,
so may your Son now be alive among us
because we open our hearts
to you and to those around us,
together with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, our Father,
you have announced also to us today
that your Son came among us
to be the our life and joy.
He has been with us
as your living word and our bread of life.
May we grow in his life
and, like Mary, by his word bring a message
of liberation and happiness
to those in search of life and meaning.
 We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.


“Here I am to do your will,” says Jesus. “Here I am as the handmaid of the Lord,” says Mary. May these be our words too. They are beautiful, but they are not easy. May God be our strength, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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