Liturgy Alive Thursday,3rd week of Easter

Thursday, April 14, 2016



Luke presents the conversion of the treasurer of the queen of Ethiopia very much in parallel with that of the disciples of Emmaus. The latter had listened to Christ's explanation of the scriptures about himself and then recognized and really encountered the living, risen Lord in the breaking of bread, in the eucharist. The Ethiopian had the scriptures explained to him about the lamb that was slain and the good news of the resurrection. Then he asked to be baptized so that he could encounter the risen Lord.

In the gospel Christ speaks again of himself as the bread of life to be accepted in faith and promises to give the bread of his own flesh in the eucharist for the life of the world, for eternal life.

Opening Prayer

you draw all people to you
who believe in your Son Jesus Christ.
Faith, Lord, faith it is that we need.
Give it to us, we pray you,
a living faith that we can encounter today
Jesus Christ, your Son,
in your word that you speak to us
in the bread that you offer us,
and in the food that we can give
and can be to one another,
in Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit
now and for ever.


Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, we want to live,
live to the full
and without limits or boundaries.
Give us the bread of life, we pray you,
that we may know and love and live,
that we may give ourselves
with him who gave himself
as flesh for the life of the world,
and be raised up with him on the last day
to live with you for ever and ever.

Prayer after Communion

God of the living,
you have given us the bread of life,
that we may eat it and not die,
All thanks be to you, Father,
but make our faith strong and deep
that your Son is with us,
that in him the world can live
a life worth living, a life of hope,
of justice and dignity and love,
a life that lasts for ever and ever.


To live, to be alive, to be vibrant with life, that is how we and our communities should be if the Lord is really alive among us. Some early Christian communities called themselves "Hoi zõntes," "those who are alive." Shouldn't we all be? May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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