Liturgy Alive 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Greetings (See Second Reading)

    It is not our own life we should live
    but the life of Christ who lives in us.
    Christ loves us
    and he sacrificed himself for our sake.
    May his forgiveness and peace be always with you.
    R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

    A . A Meal Of Forgiveness

    We know from experience that a meal is a great opportunity for reconciliation and forgiveness. Sharing the same table means accepting one another, forming community, letting bygones be bygones. The meal of the Eucharist is an encounter with the forgiving Christ and with one another in peace. This is why we have in the Eucharist a penitential act, the Our Father, an acclamation to the Lamb of God who takes our sins away, the sign of peace. At the very heart of the celebration we remember how Christ shed his blood so that sins may be forgiven. Let us celebrate this Eucharist in a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation.

    B. Friendship Forgives

    If we admit a person into our home and especially when we invite him or her to eat with us, it means that we fully accept this person. Is this always true? Here at the table of our Lord Jesus, he accepts all of us, the weak and the strong; he brings forgiveness and life to all and calls us all to praise the Father with him. He does not judge us, for he simply wants to be with us and to be our companion in life. Do we welcome one another in the same way?

Penitential Act

    Let us ask the Lord to forgive our sins
    as we forgive one another.
    Lord, you love us so much
    that you died to bring us forgiveness and life:
    Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
    Jesus Christ, you told the sinful woman,
    as you tell us too:
    "Your sins are forgiven; go in peace":
    Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.
    Lord, you have forgiven us much;
    make us love you much:
    Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
    Have mercy on us, Lord,
    help us to forgive one another
    as you forgive us now
    and lead us all in peace and joy
    to everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

    Let us pray to our merciful Father
    that this Eucharist may bring us his pardon and peace
    Patient and loving Father,
    you sent Jesus your Son among us
    to heal what is broken and wounded.
    He touched us with his goodness
    and did not break the crushed reed.
    Forgive us our sins,
    let your Spirit continue in us
    the work of conversion
    and make us patient and understanding
    with those who love us and those who fail us.
    We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. R/ Amen.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction: The Lord Has Forgiven You
      King David humbly accepts the accusation of adultery and murder from the prophet Nathan and repents. God forgives him.

Second Reading Introduction: Christ Jesus Loves Me And Has Saved Me

      It is not our deeds in obedience to the law which save us, says St. Paul, but our faith in Jesus Christ. God's Son loved me and saved me. It is his life I live now.

Gospel Introduction: One Who Is Forgiven Little Shows Little Love

      The person who needs nobody needs no grace and cannot love. The one who needs forgiveness can grow in love.

General Intercessions

    Let us pray with all trust to God our Father, for he has shown us in Jesus Christ that he is patient and rich in mercy. Let us say:

R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.

    • That the community of God's people may be a source of peace, of forgiveness and reconciliation, of new opportunities for tomorrow, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
    • That priests may be patient and humble in the ministry of sacramental forgiveness entrusted to their care; that they may lead their people to conversion and renewal of heart, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
    • That we may be gentle in our judgment of others, aware that every day anew we too are in need of forgiveness, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
    • That in our families and communities we may be attentive to the good that is done and not be discouraged by each other's shortcomings, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
    • That we who come together to pray and to celebrate the new covenant in the Eucharist may be reconciled with one another and live together in friendship and peace, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
    God our Father, let your word and the Eucharist strengthen us in the spirit of forgiveness, of peace and unity, in Christ Jesus our Lord. R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

    Our God and Father,
    you have invited us to encounter your Son
    and to offer with him the sacrifice
    that forgives our sins.
    Dispose us to forgive others
    as you forgive us
    and to share at the table of your Son
    the bread of unity and reconciliation.
    We ask this through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

    With joy we give thanks to the Father in heaven for forgiving us our sins through the sacrifice of Jesus, for he shed his blood so that sins may be forgiven.

Invitation to the Lord's Prayer

    Let us pray with Jesus to the Father
    that he may forgive us our sins
    as we forgive others. R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

    Deliver us Lord, from the hardness of heart
    that refuses to forgive,
    Let the peace and joy
    which your forgiveness brings to us
    overflow on the people around us
    in mercy and compassion,
    in mutual acceptance and understanding,
    in forgiveness without conditions.
    Lead us forward together in hope and joy
    as we prepare for the full coming
    of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. R/ For the kingdom...

Invitation to Communion

    This is Jesus the Lord
    whose death and resurrection
    has brought us forgiveness and life.
    Happy are we to receive
    this bread of reconciliation and unity.
    R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

    Merciful Father,
    in this Eucharist your Son Jesus said to us too:
    your sins are forgiven
    and he ate with us the meal
    that brings reconciliation.
    May all this deepen our love for you
    and dispose us to extend a hand of peace
    to all those who have hurt us
    and to those we have wounded.
    We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. R/ Amen.


    As a community of brothers and sisters
    we have shared in God's Word
    and in the bread of Christ.
    May we remain such a community in the coming days,
    in forgiveness, trust and understanding.
    May Almighty God go with you and bless you:
    the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
    Go with one another
    Christ's way of peace. R/ Thanks be to God.

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