Liturgy Alive Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday, September 2, 2016

Opening Prayer

Faithful God of tenderness and mercy,
you want us to be your people
on the march with Jesus your Son
toward a new future of justice and love.
Do not allow us to suffocate in being contented
with old habits and sluggish ways.
Help us to accept the pain
of leaving the familiar behind us
and open us to the challenge of the gospel
to become more like your Son
who guides our faltering steps,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction 
We will be trustworthy stewards of God’s mysteries if we live according to the Gospel and serve God and people, rather than seek security in outward observances and lip service.

Gospel Introduction 
 We are created anew in Christ, the Lord and the new beginning of all. With Christ, we have to renounce all compromises with the old in us and live in the new spirit of Christ. How well have we accepted the renewal that Vatican II asks of us?

General Intercessions

- For the Church, that the People of God and its leaders may heed the promptings of the creative Spirit to speak to the people of today the ever-new language of the gospel, we pray: 
- For artists, poets and inventors, that they may reveal to us the splendor of creation and the newness of life in Christ, we pray:
- For this community, that we may not be afraid of authentic change and draw from Christ the courage to start the reform of the Church and the world with the renewal of ourselves, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
in these signs of bread and wine
your Son Jesus Christ comes among us
to make with us a new beginning.
Create us anew in him.
Reconcile us with you and each other
and make us builders with him
of a new world
in which he is our Lord for ever.

Prayer after Communion

God of hope,
you have given us Jesus your Son
as our companion on the road
for understanding the old, familiar things
with new and young hearts.
Let him prod us on
when we try to compromise
by merely patching up the old here and there.
Let your Spirit blow on us 
your vigorous breath of life
to renew us and our world
with your mercy and justice.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


We must ask ourselves from time to time how faithful we are to the gospel. It is easy to become fossilized. The gospel wants us to stay young and ever new. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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