Liturgy Alive Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Opening Prayer

Our living God,
in you there is no contradiction
between unity and diversity,
for three divine persons are needed
to express you in full.
You enrich each of us with different gifts
and different personalities
by one and the same Holy Spirit.
Give each and all of us the mentality
of our one head and Lord Jesus Christ,
that together we may contribute
the riches and diversity of the talents given us
to build up the one body of your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
        What makes the body beautiful—and functional at the same time—is the variety of its members. Variety does not mean factions (cf. yesterday), but a diversity of talents, charismas and functions to be coordinated for the good of the whole. But there lies its greatness and danger. Diversity is destructive or constructive, depending on the mentality of the owners of the different gifts. The point is that, in God's plan, we are not owners but stewards of God's gifts. What kind of stewards are we?

Gospel Introduction

        In today's gospel, Luke tries to tell us that the time of salvation has come, for with Jesus, the blind begin to see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and yes, the dead come back to life. With him, a new era has begun - God's era. It is the erain which we live. Do we make it an era of resurrection and life, in which our hands that reach out raise up our neighbors above their miseries? Do we make it an era in which we bring dead love back to life in Christ?

General Intercessions

– That in all our variety, as different as we come, we may all be one in the one body of Christ, we pray:
– That the Eucharist may be the bond that binds us together, rich and poor, masters and servants, whatever social class or country we belong to, we pray:
– That the Holy Spirit may teach us to journey and to grow together as one community, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God our Father,
with bread and wine we celebrate
that we are one body in Christ.
Give us here a share in his one bread
and let us drink of the same Spirit.
Accept the one offering we bring you,
though we are many and diverse,
for we join the one sacrifice
offered once and for all
by our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Prayer after Communion

God our Father,
we are painfully aware
that your Church is often torn and divided,
with too many of us trying
to go their own tortuous ways
rather than the way of your Son.
By the strength of the bread of life of Jesus,
make us forget our grudges
and seek what binds us together
in Jesus Christ, our Lord.


What a shame that real unity keeps escaping us! Different though we are from one another, we are one in Christ. Let the Spirit bind us together, with the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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