Liturgy Alive Gabriel and Rápale, Archangels

Thursday, September 29, 2016

We know that God loves us, that he protects us and guides us to our destiny. In the Bible, angels are presented as God's messengers to people, to help us to carry out God's plans. The archangel Michael is mentioned in the last book of the Bible as the angel who leads the fight against the power of evil and who wants God's work and Christ to overcome all evil. Gabriel is the messenger of the Annunciation; Raphael is the angel companion and healer in the Book of Tobias.
Angels then, are the sign of God's guiding love and concern for us. We should not forget today the many people who help and guide us in many ways by their love and care. They too are, so to speak, God's angels to us.

Opening Prayer
    Lord our God, you are our providence.
    We are sure that you want to guide us to you,
    that you want to save us,
    that you love each of us personally as we are,
    and that you do everything you can do
    to make yourself known to us.
    Whatever way you come to us
    and whoever your messengers are,
    may we recognize you and accept you
    and love you in them.
    We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


– Lord, when your Church is persecuted, send it leaders who speak out in your name to encourage the fainthearted, we pray:
– Lord, when people are confused, send them messengers who enlighten them in your name, we pray:
– Lord, when people are in danger on their journey through life, send them angels to protect them, we pray

Prayer over the Gifts
    God our Father,
    you have sent here among us
    your greatest messenger of your Good News
    and of your own life,
    your Son, Jesus Christ.
    Accept in this offering our thanks
    for all your angels and messengers
    you send us to heal us from our illnesses
    of body, mind, and spirit
    and who speak to us
    words of love, hope, and peace.
    Thanks through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion
    God our Father,
    on account of Jesus Christ, your Son,
    give us enough trust in you
    to rely on you in all the events of life.
    Make us welcome your angels and messengers,
    in sickness, in our weakness,
    in our groping and hesitations.
    Make us in turn, to our brothers and sisters
    helpers and messengers of your goodness and love.
    We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

We are certain that God protects and guides us through angels and good people who help us. May you rely on him and may God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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