Liturgy Alive Saturday, October 22, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
it is heartening for us to hear
that whether we are known
and influential in this world or not,
whether our talents are many or few,
we are all important to you
and you need us to build up
the body of your Son.
Thank you for this trust
and make us capable 
of building unity and community
through the graces and gifts
with which you enrich us
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
Ephesians says today that each and all of us were given our gifts given for building up the body of Christ. To build community is our task, and each one is important, even though one's role may seem secondary or of little account. Every part adds its own strength. Or do we as joints or parts contribute to the weakness of the whole?

General Intercessions

– That our local communities may be deeply aware that they are united in faith and love, in hope and service, with the pope and the worldwide Church, we pray
– That in our Church and in our communities, we may accept one another in all our diversity as the one People of God, we pray:
– That each of us, in his and her place and role, may be deeply aware that each is accepted and needed for the good of the whole body of Christ, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
this community offers you
in this bread and wine
its desire to be one.
Let this meal unite us even more
and make us the visible sign
of the unity to which you call all your people
under the one head in the one body
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
it is beautiful to be united here
beyond all our differences
in one faith and one love
around Jesus, your Son.
Let the variety of our potentials
of heart and mind,
of our inclinations and functions,
even our deficiencies,
contribute to the growth in love
of the body of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Like the parts in the body, we must all work beautifully and generously together to build up the body of the Church. If we fail to do this, the Church falls apart. But by working together, we can build up a strong Church in which Christ is alive. May God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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