Liturgy Alive Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Opening Prayer

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We know that there are poor people
and that there are people suffering
from injustice and the hard-heartedness of others.
Do not allow us to remain indifferent to their plight
but give us the courage to share with the needy
and to be the voice of the voiceless.
Make our faith deep and committed,
that you may recognize us
as real brothers and sisters,
of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
      God has no favorites. "He is not impressed by one person any more than by another." Thus, Ephesians sums up the passage we hear today. This passage speaks to children and their parents, to slaves and to their masters, about their mutual relationships of respect, responsibility, and love. Before God they are all equal. In later centuries, the logical conclusion will be drawn that no human person can be enslaved to any other human being.

Gospel Introduction

      For disciples of Christ, it is not enough to know about the Lord or to come to Mass to eat with the Lord or to read the Bible. As Jesus tells us in many ways throughout the gospel, we must live as his disciples and put his word into practice. Otherwise it is as if we did not know him and he does not know us.

General Intercessions

–   For the Church, that it may never stop proclaiming the gospel to all peoples, languages and cultures, we pray:

–   For the unity of all Christians, that they may not remain enclosed within their particularities and human traditions but may enrich one another in Christ, we pray:

–   For our Christian communities, that we may be united; that no one is made to feel a stranger among us and that we may be open to one another and to all, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Our loving God,
let this bread and wine 
that we bring before you
be tokens and strong affirmations
that we are ready to share our food and joy
with those who need them.
Let our love and generosity
become a way of saying thanks to you
for everything you have given us 
freely and abundantly
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Generous God,
your Son Jesus has let us eat and drink with him
and he has spoken to us his message of life.
We have eagerly listened to him.
Help us now to live eagerly by his words
and to learn from him to open our doors and our hearts
to anyone who appeals to us,
that you may also open the door to us
when we knock and ask you to admit us
into your home of everlasting joy.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


The message of Jesus is good news for everyone. May it also become and remain good news for each of us when we put our heart in it by putting it into practice. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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