Liturgy Alive Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Opening Prayer

Good and loving Father,
you have made us rich in many ways,
our faith, the good news of the gospel,
your Son Jesus Christ above all,
with his life and his Spirit,
and the people around us.
Help us grow in this faith and this love,
teach us to invest ourselves
in your kingdom of goodness and hope,
that we may be worthy of your trust,
by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
We hear the inspiring story of the mother and her seven sons who with great courage preferred to die for their faith rather than to sin against the Law.

Gospel Introduction

      Faith, the gospel, the life of Christ are rich gifts which we have received to work with, to produce with, to do business with, as the gospel says. We cannot just take our faith for granted. We are stewards of the goods of the kingdom; a good steward does not only keep what the master gives him or her, butinvests it to produce more. One who has will be given more. This is Luke’s presentation of the parable of the talents. How productive is our faith?

General Intercessions

–   That all people may share in the earth’s resources in justice, friendship and peace, we pray:

–   That all of us here may hold ourselves responsible under God for our own lives and each other’s happiness, we pray:

–   That we may not be misers with the talents God has given us, but give God and one another the best of ourselves, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God our Father,
you have given us much
and we have little to return to you.
But accept us in these humble gifts
and reassure us that you can do much
with people aware of their poverty.
Keep us faithful in all things,
whether small or important,
that we may render faithful service
to you and to people.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God, loving Father,
we thank you for the living word
and the body of Jesus your Son.
We are but timid and hesitant,
afraid of committing ourselves
because you ask for ourselves.
Give us the courage to live the gospel
consistently and radically,
that however poor we are
we may be rich
in Jesus Christ our Lord.


When the Lord asks us what we have done with the rich gifts he has given us, what will we answer? Shall it be simply but inadequately, that we have done no evil, or can we say that we have invested in people, in truth and justice and love, as the Lord asks of us. May God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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