Liturgy Alive Saturday of the 6th Week of Easter

Saturday, May 27, 2017



When we pray, what do we want God to do? Do we want to transform God with our prayers and bend him to do our own will, or do we seek his will? Do we have time in the dialogue of prayer to listen to him? Do we realize that he speaks to us in his word, in Christ, in the gospel? And that he speaks to us in our personal history, the events of life, people around us? If we pray in the name of Christ, it should be with Christ's attitude of openness to God and his will.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
when we pray to you
in the name of Jesus, your Son,
give us also the attitude of Jesus.
May we not seek ourselves in prayer
nor try to force you to do our will
so that we can enjoy our self-made islands of peace.
Make us restless to seek your will
and to commit ourselves into your hands,
as Jesus did, your Son,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit
for ever and ever.

General Intercessions

- When we see so much injustice, abuse of power, lack of love in our world and even in the Church, let your Spirit keep us from discouragement, we pray:

- When there are many men and women who expect from us encouragement and hope, may the Spirit make us speak uplifting words, we pray:

- When our communities are lax and divided, may the Spirit unite us and restore our fervor and joy, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
at times we get tired of praying
perhaps because it reminds us
that we are not self-sufficient.
Help us to ask you
not so much to give us the things
that we may think we need
but to teach us to give ourselves
to you and to others,
as Jesus did and still does now to us,
he who is our Lord for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
there are times when prayer comes easy
and when we can open our hearts to you.
This may be very helpful to us,
but help us also to make time for you
when praying is not easy,
that we may listen to you when you speak to us
in your word and in people,
and in the events of life
that spell your loving will to us,
but make us listen especially to your Son,
your living word here among us,
Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever.


We are sure that God loves us and that he will give us anything good we need and ask in the name of Jesus. May God give you that certainty of faith and bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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