Liturgy Alive Saturday, August 19, 2017

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you love all that is little and humble.
As a child seeks refuge in the arms of its parents,
may our strength be to let you carry us.
Teach us through little children
not to boast of anything we have
or anything we have done
but to be open to and receptive of your grace.
For you are our greatness and richness
through Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
At the occasion of the entrance of God's people into the Promised Land, Joshua convokes them to renew the covenant. They must realize that by doing so, they opt for God, they make a decisive choice, and they commit themselves to God and his kingdom. Haven't we taken the same option at baptism? We are bound to the God of the covenant, a God of tender love. To serve him is a response of love given in freedom.


Gospel Introduction 

Few people today take Jesus' words seriously when he says: "To such as these little children the kingdom of heaven belongs." Many, for example, discredit the spirituality of the little way of St Therese of Lisieux. We speak of adulthood in Christ, of a human and spiritual maturity. And yet, true adulthood consists in what God wanted us to be in Jesus Christ, in being receptive to the gospel. To the disciples, who have no use for children and who want to cut the gospel to the measure of their petty ideas, Jesus holds up the child not as a sign of innocence but as a model of openness to God and to the good news of his Son. It is the entrance ticket to the kingdom.


General Intercessions

- That all of us may love and respect children and all that is little and brittle, we pray:

- That those who have promised fidelity in marriage may remain faithful to each other, we pray:

- That out of gratitude for all God has given us we may be faithful in our love for him and for people, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, our Father,
we remember that when you appeared among us,
you came in your Son as a little child
dependent on people.
May we accept you with a child's heart,
trusting in you and your love,
admiring you for all the great things
you do among us
and loving you in return
with the spontaneous, uncomplicated love of children.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
we thank you for letting Jesus come among us
in the simplicity of a family meal.
This is an occasion for us to pray
for our children and their parents.
Dispose parents to let their children
feel and taste in their care and love
that you, God, care and love
all that is fragile and little.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Let us stand before God in all humility, aware of how much we owe him. And ask God to bless you, and especially your children: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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