Liturgy Alive Saturday, 1st Week Of Advent

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Saturday, 1st Week Of Advent



God is compassionate. He cannot let his people suffer. This compassion of God has become visible in the person of Christ.

The Old Testament text, perhaps an elaboration on Isaiah's thoughts by a later author, promises restoration to God's people after their conversion. God will take pity on his people. He promises freedom from evil, sickness, famine, violence, injustice, provided people realize their own poverty and inability to live as they should by their own powers, though God will work these things in people and with people.

In the New Testament, Jesus will go out to encounter us and to help us out. He sends out his Church, even today, to encounter people in their miseries and to alleviate all suffering.

Opening Prayer

    God of mercy and compassion,
    in your Son Jesus Christ
    you have revealed yourself
    as a God of people.

    Turn our empty hearts to you,
    give us eyes to see the depth of our poverty
    and our inability to build a better world
    with our own resources,
    and then come and build it with us
    through your Son and our Savior
    Jesus Christ, our Lord.

General Intercessions

Let us pray to the Lord that he may call many to become shepherds willing to continue his work in our Christian communities with zeal and patience.

- That leaders in our communities may be people with a heart, compassionate and patient, we pray:

- That they may proclaim the gospel as good news of joy, justice and love, we pray:

- That they may be living examples of what they preach and teach, so that the message may become credible through them, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

    Lord, merciful and loyal God,
    at the table of your Son
    you dress the wounds of your people
    and you fill those who are poor of heart
    with the strength of Jesus Christ.
    Keep us going, in the certain hope
    that with him we can rebuild
    what our hands have destroyed
    and that he can turn our miseries
    into lasting happiness.
    This is our prayer
    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

    God of tenderness and love,
    you let your Son encounter us
    in the inadequacy of our love.
    Through him, present among us,
    open our hearts and hands
    to all ills and all needs,
    to forgive, to bless, to uplift
    and to be together the people
    who live in your love
    and who glory in the name
    of Jesus Christ our Lord.


    Jesus had compassion on the leaderless crowd. May God give us compassionate hearts that care for people in patience and a spirit of service. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


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