Liturgy Alive Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017


When the kings of God’s people had not fulfilled their mission of guiding the people to God, the prophet Jeremiah announces that God would do away with them and become himself the shepherd of his people. But he will make this new beginning through a human, a virtuous shoot of the house of David. Through him, God would become his people’s integrity, the cause of our fidelity.

In the New Testament, as Matthew tells us, Jesus is this Son of David through Joseph and Mary and at the same time God’s own Son. He is indeed “God our integrity,” and Immanuel, “God-with-us,” Jesus, whose name means “Savior.”

Opening Prayer

Lord, faithful God,
in Jesus you have given us someone
taken from our human flesh and blood, 
a man, yet your Son,
through whom you want to restore
integrity and fidelity among us.

Help us to give with him,
to you and also to one another,
the proper and adequate response
of faithful, serving love,
which you expect from your people.
Be our God for ever
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word



General Intercessions

–   Lord Jesus, give us the integrity and the sense of justice that keeps escaping us, we pray:

–   Lord, may we learn from you to have pity on the weak and the needy, as you are good to us and merciful, we pray:

–   Lord, as you are with us, make us also stand by the side of our brothers and sisters in their spiritual and materials needs, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, our Father,
only someone untouched by sin 
could love you as you deserve
and make us, sinful people, capable
of responding to your love
as your sons and daughters.
Let these offerings be the sign
that we expect your Son with hope
and that we are willing to follow him
on his loyal way of obedience to your will
and commitment to your justice and love.
Accept us in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord, saving God,
we give you thanks for accepting us
in your Son Jesus Christ.
In him you make us both
those who are saved
and those who have to save
themselves and their brothers and sisters.
Make us fully aware
that we are your messianic people.
Help us to respond to your initiative of love
with all our cooperation,
that one day all humanity may belong to you 
and honor you as the Father of all
through our brother, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Do not be afraid, God is with you. We live in his hands, for he has given us Jesus, our Savior and friend. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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